-Influence can be defined as guiding the activities of organisation members in the direction that helps the organization moves towards the fulfillment of the goals

- Influence is being able to affect an action.  If you create, alter, inspire or change someone’s behaviour, you have influenced them.  From a business perspective, influence is key.  Marketers hope to influence consumer spending decisions to purchase their goods and services. On an individual level, having influence within your social relationships has many benefits and could help to further your professional career.

7 Ways to Build Influence in solving problems

1)Build Trust With Your Co-Workers. Influence is most often and most easily carried through trust.

2)Cultivate Reliability Through Consistency. Inconsistency is the fastest way to ruin your reputation. Consistency, on the other hand, is slow but sure--if you execute your tasks effectively and on time, day after day, eventually people will come to rely on you.

3)Be Assertive, Not Aggressive. Being assertive is the only way to get your ideas noticed, especially when you're competing with others for visibility, such as in a meeting.

4)Be Flexible. Flexibility is also important. While this may seem like it conflicts with the need to be assertive--after all, it's difficult to assert yourself fully if you're open to changing your opinion--being too stringent or adamant in your beliefs will work against you.

5)Be Personal. A little personality goes a long way, especially when you're trying to build influence in the workplace.

6)Focus on Actions Rather Than Argument. Trying to build influence through words is need to speak through your actions, or at the very least have the actions and history to back up whatever it is you're saying.

7)Listen to Others. Finally, remember that influence is a two-way street. The more you believe in the people around you and incorporate their ideas into your vision, the more they'll believe in your ideas and incorporate them into their work habits.
a few person that influenced  by others because of their motivation and attribute to the world


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