Everyone can be an idol... So, who is your idol??

Who is your idol???

When we talk about idol, most of us what come in our minds can be a great politician, a great leader, a sportsman, a great businessman, a great influencer or even a great artist. That is normal, when we idolize this great well known people. So do we really know them very well that we idolize them, yes we read, hear or even look them in the social media.

Same goes for me actually, I also idolize these kind of famous people. But today, I want to share about someone that I idol which is quite near to us, and we can acknowledge him easily. I think it is not only me that idolize him, it is our class all idolize him. He is in our circle, which means it quite close to us. He is our classmate of DNS 21-Bravo, “JAMAL ABDUL NASIR BIN BAHARIM”, male, currently 21 years old. But on September 2018, he will be 22 years old.

                For those who didn’t know him, some may says he is not like 21 years old because of his innocent and cute face. His face is like Chinese, and most of people mistaken him for Chinese boy. But the truth is he is just a malay boy and didn’t speak Mandarin at all..

                So, what make us, our classmate idolize him. With this I attach a few pic showing his greatness.

Sekali pandang macam cina ja,tengok2 nama Jamal Abdul Nasir, klasik namanya.
sapa tak kenal dia mesti ingat dia Cina..Pernah terjadi banyak kali juga, orang cakap Mandarin dengan dia (sebab nak promote barang).

Jamal also a great thinker. He like to think a lot, about anything or everything, that's why sometime he got anxiety from overthinking.

 This is our circle, classmate from 21-Bravo, Jamal is also well known for his short but cute looking guy. Just like the cute panda you can see on the social media. This is our panda.

 Jamal also sometime like to treat us dinner at any place that serve great food. This is at the Seoul Garden at Melaka town.

Jamal are also well known for his insane driving skill.. He is a great driver and teach me and my friends how to drive as great and cool as him.
(the most important thing is the shade)

Jamal also work hard for our class, this pic is taken during our semester 2, during our sport month ALAM, he is the one who incharge to find the great and but affordable price for our class's jursey.

If you ask us, what is the best memory we got in ALAM, of course we will answer the winning of the ALAM sports month. Under Jamal's leadership and intense training, we manage to get the title champion for ALAM sport month.

This is Ahmad Sholehin with Jamal, during kenduri. Although Jamal is busy helping the kenduri, he will never forget his friends and help lend a hand to help his friends.
A friend is need is a friend indeed.

This is him during class session, he like to move around in class to make sure our class is not boring and make it more interesting..


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