These are the most important qualities to be an IDOL to a person and I find these qualities within my dad. Everyone look their dad as a hero but myself I look at him as an idol who sets an example for me to be a successful person in my life. He was brought up in condition where the family was financially down and he tend to set his own path to achieve his goals in his life.

He was not that good academically but he did not give up on himself, due to his family condition he changed his ambition being an accountant to be a technician in a factory in the year 1992 . That’s where he started his career life he started studying while working in factory and obtain certificates of competency to develop himself according to working conditions. After certain years of working he constantly develop himself according to the needs and now he is at the level where he is one of the top management in the organization he is working for. The only advice he gives me all the time is Never give up, you would fail at any point of your life but that is not an end, get up and work for it again.

Sometimes, being too lenient is hard too but he made it all the time possible because he believes that whatever he is doing is correct and not harming anyone around him. He always like to be humble because he feels that is one of the quality that we need for life time. Discipline is his main quality where it includes leadership, responsibility, punctuality and good behaviour.  


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