The leader that I Idol the most ?  it is common among Malaysians  that their idol  will be either  our prime minister  or also our fighter like Tun Perak or Mat Kilau  who lead people at their time to fight the British who colonised our country , but for me the one that i idol the most is Vladimir Putin, Russia  current prime minister.
Image from google

 So let me tell you guys about him little bit , Vladimir Putin was born in 7 October 1952 in Leningrad , Russia . the youngest of three children of Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin (1911 - 1999) and Maria Ivanovna Putina (1911 -1998). Putin's mother was a factory worker while his father was a conscript in the Soviet Navy. He studied  law in Saint Petersburg state university in 1970 and graduated in 1975. Putin was a KGB foreign intelligence officer for 16 year , rising to rank of liutenant colonel before retiring in 1991 to enter politics ,  KGB stands for  komitet  gosudarstvennoy bezopasnovti , the agency was a millitary serviced governed by army law and regulations.
source from google
Vladimir putin has become the president of Russia Federation for 2 times , the first time is when from 2000 -2008 and again from 2012 untill now .during his time as a leader , Russian economy grew up for eight years and GDP measure in purchasing power increased by 72%. 
sources from Google
   He also active in judo and have black belt in judo and also active in shooting sport
sources from Google 
but the reason that I idol him the most is because of his charateristic , he always put his people of Russia priority further than himself , he is a briliant and powerful world leader , as we can see right now the ISIS are causing trouble in almost all middle east country , Putin was so kindhearted by sending his army to stop the war and fight the ISIS . He also was a strict leader and caused corruption in his country to almost none and zero .

      Despite being busy with his duty as a president of Russia , he still spend his time with his people by visiting them and their children and also help the economy in his country growth . i really hope that one day i will get a chance to meet him personally and how proud i am to become one of his fan . that's all from me from now , hope all of you like my story .


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