My Idol!

Bill Gates

Entrepreneur and businessman Bill Gates (born October 28, 1955) and his partner Paul Allen founded and built the world's largest software business, Microsoft, through technological innovation, keen business strategy and aggressive business tactics. In the process, Gates became one of the richest men in the world.

He is my idol because Bill Gates showed great determination and use his brilliance to fight off competition from his rivals. His resilience and hardwork made him the richest man in the world.

In 1994, Bill and Melinda Gates established the William H. Gates Foundation, which was dedicated to supporting education, world health and investment in low-income communities. With Melinda's influence, Bill had taken an interest in becoming a civic leader in the footsteps of his mother, studying the philanthropic work of American industrial titans Andrew Carnegie and John D.Rockefeller. 

He realised that he had an obligation to give more of his wealth to charity. In 2000, the couple combined several family foundations and made a $28 billion contribution to form the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

This shows that Bill Gates has a big heart and have contributed so much money for the better life poorer community and that makes him a great idol to follow.


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