10 Minute Recipe

During the holidays, i was sitting on the sofa while watching my favourite movie. Suddenly i heard a voice asking me to eat something. So i decided so make something useful for my stomach and i ended up with this great delicious moid blowing awesome recipe.

Ingredients :

- Chicken Meatloaf
- Iceberg lettuce
- Mayonnaise
- Pepper
- Croissant (bt can use any type of bread)

Recipe of this great meal

1) Boil the meatloaf for few minutes until it is cooked.
2) Slice the meatloaf.
3) Slice the lettuce.
4) Add mayonnaise and pepper.
5) Serve with bread

You may also add cheese and tomatoes.

The ingredients 

Meatload is boiled and Lettuce is sliced.

Mix lettuce, meatloaf and black pepper.

Everything is mixed and readily to be stuffed inside the croissant.

Ready to eat..!!!


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